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Creating and Sustaining a Strategic Board of Directors

The Whitepaper: In an increasingly complex and competitive world, associations that develop and sustain strategic leadership decision making bodies are well-positioned to be successful. This whitepaper identifies the four defining characteristics of a strategic Board of Directors and explores common challenges to establishing strategic discussions. It also looks at success factors that can increase an association's chances of successfully creating and sustaining a strategic board.


The Webinar: Chief staff officers waste too much time managing Boards that are tactical and short sighted. This webinar, based on Association Laboratory's white paper Creating and Sustaining a Strategic Board of Directors, highlights the main challenges facing strategic board leadership and introduces solutions to improving the quality of Board decision-making. From Board selection processes to staff competencies and support, participants will learn the building blocks of strategic board creation and leadership.

 About Your Presenter: Dean West, FASAE and President of Association Laboratory, is a noted thought leader on membership acquisition, retention and engagement theory and strategy. He is a former association CEO who has served on the ASAE Membership Council and authored the article on Membership Research for the ASAE book Essentials of Membership. A frequent author and speaker, Mr. West has advised leading state, national and global associations on membership strategy for more than 20 years.

Dean A West  |  Meg Whedbee
Tuesday, January 26, 2016 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am CST
Regular Price: 15.00
Discounted Price: 10.00
Dean A West
Regular Price: 45.00
Discounted Price: 40.00


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