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Introduction to Creating and Sustaining an Association Content Strategy

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Content & Community
Nicolette Haton |  Meg Whedbee, MPP

Tags: New Price!


According to research conducted by Association Laboratory, many association professionals find the development of a content strategy to be challenging. The process is new, difficult, and resource-intensive, and association professionals are learning as they go. In response to these challenges, this white paper provides a basic road map to developing an association content strategy. It features key items to think about as you assess your organization's need for, and ability to implement, a content strategy all in one easy-to-reference resource.
We treat the virus crisis with respectful pricing! In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Association Laboratory has lowered the price of this product from $19.95 to $15 to support our association community.  



Meg Whedbee, MPP's Profile

Meg Whedbee, MPP Related Seminars and Products

Senior Analyst

Association Laboratory

Meg Whedbee is responsible for leading client engagements and conducting qualitative and quantitative research specific to client goals.

Prior to Association Laboratory, Ms. Whedbee worked with a variety of industries including global public health and labor market research. Her expertise includes content creation and quality assurance of technical, academic, and educational materials, focusing on public policy and the social sciences.

Recent experience includes collaboration on program sustainability analyses, international health systems assessments, and other research documents for submission to stakeholders including USAID, foreign health ministries, and HUD.

Ms. Whedbee holds a Master of Public Policy degree from American University and a BA in Economics from New College of Florida.